[Gāi nguòng-mā]Sorry for the late reply. I have added my support here. When the admin priviledges have been granted, you would then be able to translate the Interface System messages into Mindong. May you prosper!--Jose77 02:24, 3 October 2006 (UTC)
- Thank you. I'm still waiting, a little bit anxiously...>_< BTW, what's the difference between a bureaucrat and an adminstrator? --GnuDoyng 02:29, 3 October 2006 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]給GnuDoyng兄參考:m:Requests for logos。A-giâu 01:21, 3 October 2006 (UTC)
需要的话可以找m:User:Node_ue帮忙作LOGO. A-giâu 14:05, 4 October 2006 (UTC)
- 我已經做了一個gif格式的logo,文件:Wikipedia-logo-cdo.gif,但不知爲何在主頁上怎麽不能正常顯示。--GnuDoyng 15:14, 4 October 2006 (UTC)
看來自己做的不行,還是得請Node_ue幫忙。--GnuDoyng 00:46, 5 October 2006 (UTC)
- 对啊,做logo浪费你的才华,人家node可是有经验的,只是不知道时间上如何.... :) A-giâu 05:52, 5 October 2006 (UTC)
- 他似乎不想做了? A-giâu 14:48, 1 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- 沒關係,也許他有更重要的事情要做。你上載的那個就很好啦!^^ --GnuDoyng 04:35, 3 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- 弄一個平話字和漢字共存的 logo 吧。 --Yejianfei (對話) 2016 nièng 9 nguŏk 19 hô̤ (B1) 13:21 (UTC)
- 沒關係,也許他有更重要的事情要做。你上載的那個就很好啦!^^ --GnuDoyng 04:35, 3 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]闽南语版有收一些闽东语词:zh-min-nan:wikt:Category:Bân-tang-oē。A-giâu 06:35, 6 October 2006 (UTC)
- 好的,我有空會去關注完善. --GnuDoyng 06:38, 6 October 2006 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]你好。Help:如何讀出現了「這種説法是不對的」、「有華語的基礎,要區分這兩個聲母並不困難」等批判性用詞。這似乎不符合維基百科中立敘述的政策,建議修改。-- 16:51, 6 October 2006 (UTC)
- 批判性用詞並非不可─如「古人以為地球是平的,後來證實這種說法完全錯誤」。況且「Help」空間非百科主體,譬如英文版的Wikipedia:Why Wikipedia is not so great(「為什麼(我們認為)Wikipedia不太好」)完全不中立,卻有它的參考價值。「User」空間更是普遍不中立。A-giâu 19:33, 6 October 2006 (UTC)
謝謝219.78.30.123提意見。這篇文章最初是寫在我的BLOG上,所以基本上很不中立。現在我把“這種説法是不對的”改掉。但是,“有華語的基礎,要區分這兩個聲母並不困難”,這句話確實如此呀!XD --GnuDoyng 00:22, 7 October 2006 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Dèu-me̤k ciáng-ùng gì cê-mā ô nèng-ngài gui duâi nék giāng mŏ̤h? Dék hō̤ â̤ o̤h páh-cê bēng-bēng hī muāng duâi. Ciong uâng, te̤k ùng ciong sèng-hâiu, me̤k-ciu káng lă̤ ciáh mâ̤ ióh . Chbu 12:17, 14 Sĕk nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- Kō̤-nèng mò̤ bâing-huák. Nṳ̄ có̤-siŏh-â áik "ctrl" gâe̤ng "+" éng-găi â̤ biéng duâi nék-giāng. --GnuDoyng 12:23, 14 Sĕk nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Ká̤-sié nâ diông 26 pieng? Ùng ciong bô dâng ô 27 pieng? Chbu 06:15, 17 Sĕk nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- Só-gé̤ṳ-kó (database) chók ông-dà̤ lāu, nguāi iâ mâ̤ báik ká̤-lié. >< --GnuDoyng 09:08, 17 Sĕk nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- Nguāi ging dáng siā 4 pieng, áng 26 sáung, éng gai dong sê 30 ciáh sê. Sáh sáh muōi pieng-só chṳng pó̤ 30 lāu. Sing-é muāng cé̤ṳk gŏ̤ lāu... Dāng giāng giang dioh gáu 22 hô̤ ciáh â̤ gái lì siā. Chbu 09:42, 17 Sĕk nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
Mâing-mâing siā. Mò̤ gék. ^^ --GnuDoyng 09:59, 17 Sĕk nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]GnuDoyng兄:其實原本已經有cdo,不過是放在前面「c」的位置,而不是後面的「z」,而且沒寫漢字。A-giâu 04:17, 21 Sĕk nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- 呀,怪我不仔細。--GnuDoyng 04:28, 21 Sĕk nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
Please don't edit user pages
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Please don't edit user pages that aren't your own.[1] - dcljr 23:54, 27 Sĕk nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- Okay. I meant no harm. --GnuDoyng 02:08, 28 Sĕk nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- No problem. I understand why you were doing it. Still, it's better to ask users on their talk pages to add the appropriate {{User xx}} tags to their own user pages. - dcljr 21:10, 1 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
Users category
[Gāi nguòng-mā]What should be the name of the category that contains all of the User xx categories? I would call it Category:Users but I don't know if you want it to be a word/phrase in Min Dong. - dcljr 00:53, 28 Sĕk nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- Name it Category:Ê̤ṳng-hô. Thanks for your help! ;) --GnuDoyng 02:10, 28 Sĕk nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- Okay, I tried it at Category:User cdo, which is now in Category:Ê̤ṳng-hô. Did I get it right? (I'm a little unsure since I can't see all the characters on the computer I'm using here at work.) If I did get this first one right, I'll continue to categorize all the rest of the language categories that are currently in use. Unfortunately, I didn't know where to categorize Category:Ê̤ṳng-hô, so I just put it in Category:Wikipedia for now. You can recategorize it if you want. It's probably a good idea to create a "root" (top-most) category, if you haven't already, to contain all the most basic categories on the wiki. This root category can be named something like "Category:Category" (although in Min Dong, of course), or "Category:Browse categories", or something similar. I'll let you handle that. - dcljr 23:59, 30 Sĕk nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
"Kī-dâe̤ng nṳ̄!" (IPA: [khi55 lɔyŋ242 ny33], which means "Thank you" in Min Dong.) XD, you got it right! It's really kind of you! Lately I've been recategorizing Min Dong wiki so that it can be organized more logically. There're indeed too many things that must be taken into account, but I think I can manage most of it. When I have any questions I'll ask you.
Incidentally, you can download Charis SIL, which has almost all characters imaginable. --GnuDoyng 04:25, 31 Sĕk nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- Unfortunately, I can't install anything on this computer at work — not even fonts. But I can see all the characters on my computer at home. Anyway, I'm now finished "prettying up" the existing User xx categories/templates. Note the use of includeonly and noinclude tags to categorize the templates differently from the users that use the templates. I put noinclude last so interwiki links can be added at the very end, as usual. Future language templates can follow the same pattern. - dcljr 16:48, 2 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]你好,头页的事情,我试着做做看--Jasonzhuocn....對話~Blog 12:00, 31 Sĕk nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- 謝謝!真想幫上什么忙…… ><''' --GnuDoyng 12:02, 31 Sĕk nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Special:Statistics的某些數據是「0」,這應該是因為Wikipedia沒有持續追蹤/更新,可以拿掉。A-giâu 06:35, 4 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- 好的。已經去掉了。--GnuDoyng 16:00, 4 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- 我們以前也是有掛鴨蛋,後來覺得很難看,老是「0 page view」的orz.... A-giâu 17:19, 4 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
Wikiversity 正名
[Gāi nguòng-mā]GnuDoyng, Wikiversity 正名大事, 眾譯名各有長短, 吾以為現中文維基百科未經詳細討論, 倉促表決, 恐非維基之福. 吾願建議延長討論, 加強宣傳, 至達成共識. 君能否投維基大學以外各一票?--Hillgentleman 05:55, 7 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC) zh:Wikipedia:投票/Wikiversity中文譯名 zh:Wikipedia:投票/Wikiversity中文譯名/譯名提名
„削除“ 怎講不比'殺死'好 !?
[Gāi nguòng-mā]介面翻譯的議題轉移到大樹下討論,讓更多人參與。 --GnuDoyng 16:01, 7 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
Mìng-dṳ̆ng sĕk ék
[Gāi nguòng-mā]- Bìng-nàng | Diòng-lŏ̤h | Hók-chiăng | Hók-ciŭ | Īng-tái
- Lièng-gŏng | Lò̤-nguòng | Mìng-âiu | Mìng-chiăng | Kŭ-chèng
Hók-chiang â-sāu dioh sāi hù-hô ga siông Bìng-tàng, o̤h „Hók-chiang (hàng Bìng-tàng)“ cūng-kuāng.Chbu 15:09, 7 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- Hō̤ lāu. --GnuDoyng 12:46, 9 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]I was wondering if you could translate these names into Hók-ciŭ-uâ BUC:
- 黃毓民
- 張曼娟
- 雷萬春
- 蔡阿垦
- 埃阿斯
Thanks, Ajax 08:10, 9 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- Hello Ajax, sorry for not informing you that I have moved your text to another page. Any further questions are welcome. --GnuDoyng 12:41, 9 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
sugar in Min Dong
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Hello! I`ve got one request for you. I`m from Poland and I collect words in various languages. Now I`m looking for word "sugar" in other languages. I`ve got counterparts of word "sugar" in Japanese, Ahmaric, Thai, Georgian and Chinese, so can you write me what is "sugar" in Min Dong? I`ve got this word in 380 languages and dialects of many regions and countries in the world so it is very important for me! Thank you very much! Szoltys
- The word for "sugar" in Min Dong is "Tòng" (糖). --GnuDoyng 01:36, 12 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- Thank you very much! Can I write something to you in pl.wiki? (For example an article about your city if you want) Regards, Szoltys
- I see there is already an article about my city in Polish Wiki. ^^ Well, if you have time, please write an article about its native language "Min Dong" ("Język minnański" is the Polish name for "Min Nan" so I'm quite curious about the exact name for Min Dong), and just a few lines will be enough. Thanks! --GnuDoyng 10:19, 12 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- Sure, I will do that. Szoltys
- I see there is already an article about my city in Polish Wiki. ^^ Well, if you have time, please write an article about its native language "Min Dong" ("Język minnański" is the Polish name for "Min Nan" so I'm quite curious about the exact name for Min Dong), and just a few lines will be enough. Thanks! --GnuDoyng 10:19, 12 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- Thank you very much! Can I write something to you in pl.wiki? (For example an article about your city if you want) Regards, Szoltys
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Hi,
I created your logo. 文件:CdoWiki.png. Cheers... :-) --Node ue 08:08, 21 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
- Fixed. --Node ue 04:39, 24 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
Thanks!!! --GnuDoyng 14:04, 24 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2006 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Could you please write a stub about Kurów - just a few sentences based on http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%BA%93%E9%B2%81%E5%A4%AB%E5%B8%82 or EN wiki? Only 2-5 sentences enough. Please.
PS. Article about Kurów is already on 143 languages. If you do that, please put interwiki link into English version. If your village/town/city hasn't on PL wiki, I can do article about it. Pietras1988 19:42, 14 Săng nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- All right, I'll do it when I have a minute to share.--GnuDoyng 14:42, 15 Săng nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
Now you have? Pietras1988 TALK 14:46, 7 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Hey, I'm not neglecting you. But just understand how busy I am these days. I have promised I will write an article for your city when time permits, so I will keep my words. --GnuDoyng 13:20, 14 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
Very thanks. Your article is perfect! Pietras1988 TALK 10:09, 4 Sĕk nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
GnuDoyng 先生您好
[Gāi nguòng-mā]GnuDoyng 先生您好,我是來自台灣的 Astroviolin 對福州語有興趣,然而感覺網路上資料頗少。此外我有幾點疑惑未克服。首先就是關於連續變調,在華文維基百科之福州話條目有簡單敘述,但我覺得有點不清楚。首先,它雖然敘述了雙字變調規則,卻沒有標明清楚,哪一欄是前字,哪一欄是後字。我依據它上面舉的「獨」、「立」、「日」三字推測,應是淺藍的那一欄是前字,桃紅那一欄是後字。是不是這樣呢?此外我也從這個例子推出,連續變調規則是不是先把「立」字依後字為「日(5)」改為 33,再把「獨」字依後面變過調的 33 改為 21?希望這部份在該條目上可以標明清楚些。
--Astroviolin: lâi chhōe góa lim ka-pi! 09:42, 24 Săng nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- 已經回復在你的閩南語維基討論頁上了。--GnuDoyng 17:14, 25 Săng nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]看你对家乡话如此执著,着实有点感动。我是福安的,如果要问些有关福安话的问题可以问我,可以在闽东语维基给我留言。2005年时在中文维基编了一条福安话的条目,福州话的条目那时还没建,参考的资料太少了,福安话的资料那就更少了。自己研究了一段时间,发现了不少有用的东西,出国时落在家里了。个人建议对闽东语的研究不能只局限在福州话,不可否认,福州话是闽东语的代表,但现代的福州话和以前相比变化很大。有些音或词在福州话中消失了但在其他闽东方言中却仍存在,这并不是说闽东语中没有这个音或这个词。综合研究是最好的方法,因为连读的缘故,很多声母都脱落了,只能靠猜。参考一些临近的方言,如吴语和闽南语等都是比较好的方法。还有一点就是平话字我看得头晕,平话字是西方人创造的当然是以罗马字优先了。我建议用汉字表记,虽然闽东有些地方不便用汉字表记,但办法不是没有的,现在迫切的不是扩展闽东语维基的条目,而是规范闽东语维基。闽东语的大部分条目好像都是你自己一个人些的,如果用规范后的汉字那不是可以吸引更多的人来编写?即便是所使用的读音不一样但是用的闽东语的汉字却是一样的。个人的一点小建议。Blazoops 14:08, 25 Săng nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- 你好Blazoops,其实你的建议我都考虑过了。如果我们真的打算做一个汉字版本的闽东语维基,最起码要招到合格的、满腔热情的写手。但就我个人而言,我写汉字可不敢保证一直有“满腔热情”。最主要两个原因如下:
- 大量用字不统一。举个简单的例子吧,我刚才看了下中文维基福安话条目,发现作者认为闽东语“游泳”的第一个字[siu]是“游”字。但在几本权威的福州话字典都认为这个字是“泅”。那么,他写的汉字闽东语在我看来肯定有很多瑕疵,而我写的在他眼里亦然。究竟谁是标准呢?谁又有权力定这个标准呢?
- 我最头疼的问题,就在于我不会字型输入。想象一下我是怎么打汉字的吧。比如我想向你问好,我就得打“汝食饱未?”在我大脑里是怎么处理的呢?我得先用普通话把这句话读出来,“ru shi bao wei”!这种方式打字,神经早晚要分裂掉。-_-|||
- 相比较而言,我可以保证我用平话字写维基能自始至终地保持极高的热情。最重要的原因,我是基督徒:每次翻开那些传教士用平话字写的文献,我的激动程度就仿佛我是平生第一次翻开它又再也没有机会再翻开它那样。我写平话字的时候,我总有种奇妙的感觉,我的灵魂在和他们对话。这种快乐在你们看来兴许挺荒唐,但对我而言,却是我生命的源泉。
- 虽然如此,理智也告诉我,平话字对福安人不公平,就好像闽南语维基采用以厦门话为标准的白话字对泉州人也不公平一样。这些我都明白,我也很无奈。如果你有兴趣尝试汉字闽东语维基的话,我很愿意帮忙。我们可以在孵卵器里申请一个新的维基工程(同一种语言的不同文字形式是可以另开维基的)。如果事实证明这样的确比我一个人写罗马字有效,更能激起大家的兴致,那我当然会考虑转写汉字。
- 说了这么多,我其实只需要你告诉我:你对写汉字版本的闽东语维基有着参与的热情,而不仅仅是拂着袖子站在一旁的“倡议者”,那么我一定帮忙(尽管用汉字确实很痛苦)。--GnuDoyng 17:11, 25 Săng nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
福州话我母亲会,但我不会,这些白话字看读音能猜出什么意思,但看起来特别费劲。你所提到的游字我觉得也可能是“泅”,游是我添上去的,其实当时也不大确定,福安话这个条目还在整理中,现在有点乱。很惭愧,对于闽东语维基我不敢保证自己有足够的热情投入,不是我不愿意,而是自己对于家乡话还不是很自信,日常用语还行,但对于书面语,我觉得我无法胜任。再者,对于自己所作的是否值得心存怀疑,即便是我们编了闽东语维基,又有多少人看呢?现在很多年轻人都不会说方言了,不仅福州这样,福安也是这个趋势。与粤语和闽南语相比,闽东语在当地应该算是劣势语了。说实话,我对闽东语的前景比较悲观。我想花点时间了解一下福州话,不知你对编写中文维基的闽东语条目有没有兴趣,希望得到你的帮助。Blazoops 02:38, 26 Săng nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- 是啊,我现在就在闽南工作,感觉闽南语自然保留得很好。但无论如何,我不会为母语悲观,因为我绝对不会为任何我自身力量无法改变的事物悲观。我现在的努力方向之一,就在于积累平话书面语的文献语料(福安也把闽东语叫做“平话”对吧)。就算几个世纪后,这个世界再也没有人说平话,也依然会有人在阅读她的文献,惊讶她曾经迸发出如此伟大的文学艺术形式。--GnuDoyng 10:12, 26 Săng nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- 另说到对自己母语水平自信的问题,坦白地说,我从小也是被普通话洗脑过来的;虽然我家里说福州话的人挺多,但他们总是跟我说普通话(而且还带着腔)——这造成的结果是,我什么话都说不标准。后来长大后经历了一段痛苦的母语觉醒时期,在那段时间,我拼命地背字典,学习罗马字,积累母语语料等等。我并不是说我现在的母语水平有多高,但至少,编写百科全书这样的任务我可以承担得来。
- 不用担心你的词汇量不够本洋,因为这里是百科全书,它的文体允许适量地使用一些汉语共用的词汇。
- 至于编写闽东语条目,我当然很乐意啦!只是苦于我对福安片和浙南片的了解不足。有什么要讨论的,请来福建之声的闽东语版参详。那里人比较多,但是经常有spammer来,所以新注册用户1小时内不让发言。--GnuDoyng 10:28, 26 Săng nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- 首先说一声抱歉,因为最近在制作Portal:三国、Portal:中国和Portal:荷兰等主题,还有绘制三国州、郡、县地图,所以有点忙,没来闽东语维基,不知道你给我留信息了,很抱歉。你所说的你宁德话中有韵尾p,k的分别,那是老一辈的人有分,年青一代的甚至中年人都已经不分了,这是我以前在搜福安话的资料时找到的,那份方言调查的报告中有介绍。福安话以前其实也分,原来有四个入声韵尾k,p,t,?(我有相关的资料如果你有兴趣的话,可以给你传)。现在基本不分了,老一辈的人可能还会分。有时间我会去搜些资料,将附近不同的腔调给补上。Blazoops 22:53, 31 Săng nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]关于你Portal:福建的提议,我之前也考虑过了,既然有你一同参与,福建主题更应该建了。我可以先规划版面、搭配颜色,我准备用三个页面(主页面、分类、协助计划)分类是针对读者的,帮助他们更了解福建,里面有更为详细的划分,而协助计划主要的对象是编辑人员,你在网络上的人缘肯定比我好,我们可以在各大福建的大论坛发贴邀请他们加入,即便是以前没有编过维基也没关系,我会做一个友好窗口教他们怎样入手。主页面我大概会把它分成历史、文化、人物、行政区划、经济、科技等。我们可以将那些没有建但非常必要的条目给列出来,红字多没关系,我相信这给有兴趣兴建福建相关条目的朋友指引了方向,当福建维基人多了,我们可以在福建主题开展各类活动。我文笔不如你,条目的编写还得多多麻烦你了。 Blazoops 08:41, 1 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- 没问题!维基上关于福建的声音很小很弱,其实不是福建维基人少,而是大家自我意识自我认同不够强烈。关于这点我也很着急,因此,这样的任务我义不容辞!:P--GnuDoyng 15:03, 1 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- 发现了另外一个问题,海峡两岸都设有福建省,这个比较难写。说实话我对福建本土的历史等了解并不多,主题页的介绍看样子,还有劳你请自执笔了。 还有一个问题想和你商量一下,就是什么东西最能代表福建(用于做标识)。榕树?虎?蛇? 我个人比较倾向选虎,感觉够威猛,:P !而且老虎在古代还称作大虫。这个标识主要用在其他主题的关联主题,做为福建的象征。Blazoops 17:32, 1 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- 如果用一种动物代表福建,那必是蛇了,因为它就是“闽”字里的那条“虫”。--GnuDoyng 06:23, 8 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]- 有人请我帮忙,这个忙看样子,我是帮不上了,麻烦你帮帮他吧,写几句话就可以了,请看我的留言页User talk:BlazoopsBlazoops 13:39, 8 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- 嗯,者图片我野中意^^。ps,那个波兰城市的文章,我有空就帮他。只是最近在wiki上要忙得事情实在是太多了。--GnuDoyng 12:06, 9 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- 你就随便写两三句就行了,我估计他是想凑够一定数的语言版就可以推荐特色条目了。Blazoops 17:28, 9 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
Hi! Would it be possible for JhsBot to get bot status here? It's an ordinary interwiki bot running on the Pywikipedia framework, also running in a number of other Wikiepdias (see interwiki list on the user page). Jon Harald Søby 23:11, 13 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Thank you for your bot. I have granted it the bot status. There's a problem, however... 4 users have been set as bot in cdo wiki (User:Buffybot, User:Chobot, User:JhsBot, User:VolkovBot) so far, but none of them is working at all. I wonder why!! >< Could someone please help me? --GnuDoyng 13:13, 14 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Hi! I believe the reason that there are no activity on these bots is that there are very few interwiki links to cdo from other Wikipedias. It is important that when you create new articles, that have equivalents in other languages, you should add a link to cdo on the corresponding article on the largest Wikipedia (typically the English one). If this isn't done, cdo will be an interwiki orphan – it links to many Wikipedias, but no other Wikipedias link to it. However, I will run through all the articles on cdo with my bot now, so the links to it from other Wikipedias are added. But for future articles, you should add a link to it on the corresponding English Wikipedia article (if that exists; or any other Wikipedia it might exist on, e.g. zh). Hope this makes sense. Jon Harald Søby 17:28, 14 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks for you reply. You see, actually, most of the articles (if not all) do have interwiki links to other major wikis. Yet still the other 3 bots, all of whom were registered months ago, have never performed any functions. So I doubt there might be some other problems. Since JhsBot is running, I will keep an eye on him. --GnuDoyng 01:37, 15 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, but the articles also need to have links from major wikis, or else the bots (or people) who work primarily on those projects won't be able to find the articles here. Jon Harald Søby 08:26, 15 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Okay I'll check it. Hope they will function soon. --GnuDoyng 14:38, 15 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Now my bot is running. Could you please give me the translation of the words "Adding", "Modifying" and "Removing", as used in the bot's edit comments? Jon Harald Søby 20:20, 14 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Sure, I'm very glad to help. ^^ "Adding"->Gă-tiĕng; "Modifying"->Siŭ-gāi; "Removing"->Dù lâi. --GnuDoyng 01:37, 15 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Now my bot is running. Could you please give me the translation of the words "Adding", "Modifying" and "Removing", as used in the bot's edit comments? Jon Harald Søby 20:20, 14 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks! Jon Harald Søby 08:26, 15 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
Request for bot status Siebot
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Hi, could you please grant bot status for User:Siebot. I'll be running interwiki.py. Thank you. Siebrand 11:18, 15 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Done. :) --GnuDoyng 14:35, 15 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Thank you very much! Siebrand 18:26, 15 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
Thank you
[Gāi nguòng-mā]- My pleasure! --GnuDoyng 12:55, 21 Sé nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
Support needed
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Hi GnuDoyng,
I hope you can support my Request for Adminship for Hakka Wikipedia. Thankyou.
Regards, Hakka, 00:13, 28 Ngô nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Thankyou very much GnuDoyng for supporting my sysop application! -- Hakka, 06:34, 28 Ngô nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- The pleasure's all mine! :P --GnuDoyng 07:36, 28 Ngô nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
Hakka Logo
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Hello GnuDoyng,
Could you help me create the Hakka Wikipedia logo using this slogan:
- Wikipedia,
- Chhṳ-yù ke Pak-khô-chhiòn-sû.
-- Hakka, 06:22, 29 Ngô nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
Betawiki: better support for your language in MediaWiki
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Dear community. I am writing to you to promote a special wiki called Betawiki. This wiki facilitates the localisation (l10n) of the MediaWiki interface. You may have changed many messages here on this wiki to use your language, but if you would log in to for example the English language Wiktionary, you would not be able to use the interface as well translated as here. Infact, of the 1793 messages in the core of MediaWiki, 0 messages have been translated. Betawiki also supports the translation of messages of almost 80 extensions, with 984 messages.
If you wish to contribute to better support of your language in MediaWiki, as well as for many MediaWiki extensions, please visit Betawiki, create an account and request translator priviledges. You can see the current status of localisation of your language on meta and do not forget to get in touch with others that may already be working on your language on Betawiki.
If you have any further questions, please let me know on my talk page on Betawiki. We will try and assist you as much as possible, for example by importing all messages from a local wiki for you to start with, if you so desire.
You can also find us on the Freenode IRC network in the channel #mediawiki-i18n where we would be happy to help you get started.
Thank you very much for your attention and I do hope to see some of you on Betawiki soon! Cheers! Siebrand@Betawiki 08:43, 24 Gāu nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
your question to Drini
[Gāi nguòng-mā]GnyDoyng, The trick is called "cascading protection". Pages that are transcluded ("ie so-called 'templates'") are protected against both editing and creation from anybody who has no sysop right. See meta:Help:Administration#Protection and meta:cascading protection. For another demonstration see meta:WM:SALT. User:hillgentleman|Nguāi gì tō̤-lâung|2007年10月20日( B6 ), 05:10:28 05:18, 20 Sĕk nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks. --GnuDoyng 08:24, 20 Sĕk nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
mediawiki interface
[Gāi nguòng-mā]GnyDoyng, From special:allmessages, I see that you have been translating the interface locally, by editing the mediawiki: pages. In the long run, and for the benefits of all, it is important to commit the translations into the mediawiki software. An example is here: zh-yue:Wikipedia:用戶介面翻譯/MessagesYue.php. User:Shinjiman has been submitting the translations. --User:hillgentleman|Nguāi gì tō̤-lâung|2007年10月20日( B6 ), 13:10:43 13:46, 20 Sĕk nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks for the infomation. I have been wondering for long why I cannot choose Min Dong language-skin in other wikis: currently there's no cdo-skin option in the drop-down menu in "Language", "My Preferences". So, do I have to write the "MessagesCdo.php" myself just as the zh-yue example, or shall I simply copy the code from this page? --GnuDoyng 09:35, 22 Sĕk nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- The php array looks fine to me; let us ask Shinjiman to read it. He has been doing this for a while. -User:hillgentleman|Nguāi gì tō̤-lâung|2007年10月23日( B2 ), 03:10:10 03:41, 23 Sĕk nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Most messages of the php output from the Special:Allmesages can be used to export into a php file, please note that in the php file, all of the Wikimedia(-pedia) stuffs and site customisations must be revoved before commiting to the mediawiki repository. You can see here for further instructions how to localise the language in the MediaWiki software. -- Shinjiman 05:58, 24 Sĕk nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- See also: zh-classical:Wikipedia:會館#Betawiki: better support for your language in MediaWiki - Siebrand [2] has been helping the work on localisation.User:hillgentleman|Nguāi gì tō̤-lâung|2007年11月03日( B6 ), 20:11:56 20:52, 3 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Most messages of the php output from the Special:Allmesages can be used to export into a php file, please note that in the php file, all of the Wikimedia(-pedia) stuffs and site customisations must be revoved before commiting to the mediawiki repository. You can see here for further instructions how to localise the language in the MediaWiki software. -- Shinjiman 05:58, 24 Sĕk nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- The php array looks fine to me; let us ask Shinjiman to read it. He has been doing this for a while. -User:hillgentleman|Nguāi gì tō̤-lâung|2007年10月23日( B2 ), 03:10:10 03:41, 23 Sĕk nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
Hi GnuDoyng, after the first commit of the Min Dong messages, I am welcome you to translate the remaining messages through the Betawiki to complete the localisation process (and the extension messages also). Donno some of messages are site specific, and I have removed such messages as much as possible. All you need to to for completing the localisation process, is to having a account at Betawiki and leave a request on here and start the translation process for the untranslated messages. Hope you have a great translation on every wikis. :) Shinjiman 10:39, 27 Sĕk-ék nguŏk 2007 (UTC)
- Thank you for informing me. Recently I've been busy transcribing some missionary books on en.wikisource.org. I'll see to it when I have finished my projects there. --GnuDoyng 2007 nièng 11 nguŏk 30 hô̤ (B5) 17:23 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]That page Project:Nospam is to stop those pages being created again. For example, today Wikipedia:Guestbook for Non-Min-Dong Speakers/w/index.php was created. We don't want it re-created, so we delete it and add Wikipedia:Guestbook for Non-Min-Dong Speakers/w/index.php to the list. Drini 19:54, 30 Sĕk nguŏk 2007 (UTC).
maintenance script
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Good day, GnuDoyng. Just to inform you: I have been writing and testing a script: botwiki:python:revertAll.py which can automatically remove all the edits of a particular user. "All" means all : reverts, page moves, and deletions (or submit for deletion). If you want its service any time, you can find me on Meta or on Wikipedia in Cantonese. User:hillgentleman|Nguāi gì tō̤-lâung|2007年11月30日( B5 ), 07:11:10 2007 nièng 11 nguŏk 30 hô̤ (B5) 07:20 (UTC)
- That bot looks great. You can start its service here. :) --GnuDoyng 2007 nièng 11 nguŏk 30 hô̤ (B5) 17:28 (UTC)
Please, could you tranlate this article onto the language of this Wikipedia? Thanks for your help. -- 2007 nièng 12 nguŏk 10 hô̤ (B1) 19:22 (UTC)
- If you translate it, I'll can do more articles about villages of Europe. -- 2008 nièng 7 nguŏk 24 hô̤ (B4) 12:03 (UTC)
Thank you
[Gāi nguòng-mā]--Jose77 2008 nièng 7 nguŏk 31 hô̤ (B4) 23:16 (UTC)
Re:CDO Main Page
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Yes, I might be able to help you. Which part of the Main Page requires rearranging? --Jose77 (talk) 20:48, 1 August 2008 (UTC)
- Thank you Jose. When viewed at 1024*768 resolution the main page looks just fine, but when it is displayed at 1280*1024 resolution it appears abnormally. As you can see in this screen print, I don't know how to confine the picture within the frame, and I also don't know how to keep the left frame (Wikipedi contents) and the other two on the right (Did you know and Featured image) at the same height no matter what resolution they are viewed at. You help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance! --GnuDoyng (talk) 06:45, 2 August 2008 (UTC)
- Although I am not an expert computer programmer, I have nevertheless made an attempt to adjust the templates on the Mainpage to the same height. Hopefully it worked (ps. The formatting was copied and modified from Gan Wikipedia). You might want to adjust the colours to suit the preferences of Mindong speakers.
- Your welcome. --Jose77 2008 nièng 8 nguŏk 4 hô̤ (B1) 05:49 (UTC)
- Thank you for your great help!!! --GnuDoyng 2008 nièng 8 nguŏk 4 hô̤ (B1) 16:38 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]初来乍到, 照个会. 我是北大上的"旁观者". 您在北大上对闽东白话字圣经的介绍, 我有很好的印象. 刚在你的 META WIKI TALK 页上也打了下招呼. http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User_talk:GnuDoyng 希望以后多关照:) Penkyamp
Thank you
[Gāi nguòng-mā]--Jose77 2008 nièng 10 nguŏk 26 hô̤ (LB) 01:16 (UTC)
Minnan classification proposal
[Gāi nguòng-mā]- Hi GnuDoyng,
- The outcome of the ISO application for Teochew can be found here. Your opinion regarding this classification proposal of all the Minnan varieties would be appreciated very much, Thankyou. --Jose77 2009 nièng 1 nguŏk 27 hô̤ (B2) 05:18 (UTC)
Font display help
[Gāi nguòng-mā]On Hakka Wikipedia most users cannot see these tonal letters: ṳ ṳ̀ ṳ̂ ṳ́ ṳ̍ a̍ e̍ i̍ o̍ u̍ .
However on Mindong Wikipedia most users with Windows XP can see those tonal letters without needing to install the Charis SIL font at all.
How did you do it? Can you help me solve this font display issue on Hakka Wikipedia? --Hakka 2009 nièng 3 nguŏk 12 hô̤ (B4) 01:23 (UTC)
- By rewriting the main CSS file. Of course, to display those characters correctly, you have to install Charis SIL font. --GnuDoyng 2009 nièng 3 nguŏk 13 hô̤ (B5) 13:08 (UTC)
- Thankyou GnuDoyng! Now I can see all those letters. --Hakka 2009 nièng 3 nguŏk 16 hô̤ (B1) 21:05 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]你好,GnuDoyng!我是贛語維基百科的一個管理員。我在網上無意翻查到閩東語的一個在線詞典[3],請問閣下能透露於在下如何製作相關的程式嗎?我代全體贛語人表示感謝。--Symane 2009 nièng 3 nguŏk 12 hô̤ (B4) 13:32 (UTC)
Translation request
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Greetings GnuDoyng! Would you be so kind to help me translate part of this article into the wonderful Mindong language? Please. 3-4 lines would be enough. Thanks a lot :)--Mer De Glace 2009 nièng 11 nguŏk 11 hô̤ (B3) 09:51 (UTC)
- Sure, I'll do it this weekend. --GnuDoyng 2009 nièng 11 nguŏk 11 hô̤ (B3) 10:32 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]- Hi GnuDoyng,
- This message is to confirm what I had been telling you a few minutes ago. --Jose77 2010 nièng 3 nguŏk 9 hô̤ (B2) 07:40 (UTC)
connectiity project
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Hallo, my name is Anastasiya Lvova, I'm "duty" in Connectivity project. The essence of the "Connectivity" project is to study and enhance the coherence of Wikipedia, or, in other words, to improve hypertext navigation between articles. The project deals with deadends, isolated articles, non-categorized articles, transitivity of the category tree, etc.
We want to work with your language version, but we need configured MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage for it (with direct links to template namespace pages, for example, ru:MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage/de:MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage/fr:MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage). Is it possible to set it up for our usage?
thanks in advance, Lvova 2010 nièng 6 nguŏk 13 hô̤ (LB) 18:39 (UTC)
Translation request
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Hello, can you please please create the article Selena on this wiki? I would also want it to be a featured article on this wiki, if you can I would be very appreciated. Thank you so ever much (en:Selena, the English version), and if you want to talk about this a little more, please send me a message on my talk page (en:User Talk:AJona1992). AJona1992 2010 nièng 7 nguŏk 20 hô̤ (B2) 00:36 (UTC)
Request for translation. Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Warm greeting from Belarusian Wikipedia! This year we celebrate 130. birthday of Belarusian great poets en:Yanka Kupala and en:Yakub Kolas Could you help us to translate articles into your unique and honourable language? Thank you in advance! --Rymchonak (talk) 2012 nièng 6 nguŏk 8 hô̤ (B5) 05:47 (UTC)
MediaWiki name space
[Gāi nguòng-mā]http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?language=cdo&module=namespace&title=Special%3AAdvancedTranslate --Tadiranscopus (talk) 2012 nièng 6 nguŏk 16 hô̤ (B6) 08:29 (UTC)
Hello. I request renaming my following accounts:
- محمد الجداوي → Avocato
- GedawyBot → AvocatoBot
- Confirmation link: [4]
- Reason: Privacy reasons
Please, delete all my userpages and talk pages of these accounts before renaming .Thanks in advance.--M.Gedawy 2012 nièng 7 nguŏk 15 hô̤ (LB) 06:36 (UTC)
Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 2013 nièng 5 nguŏk 3 hô̤ (B5) 12:57 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]GnuDoyng,不是我想搞「漢字復興運動」,但是平話字沒幾個人看得懂。你說「漢字版要有人來寫」,我告訴你,有很多人願意用漢字來寫,之所以你現在看到「沒幾個人寫」,是被通你這篇的平話字嚇怕了,所以才沒寫。如果改成漢字版,肯定會有很多人寫的。你不寫漢字版不等於別人不寫。但你的平話字版嚴重阻礙了那些想用福州話漢字寫的人,因為他們看不懂平話字,連「編輯」按鈕都找不到,沒法著手編輯。即便是平話字加漢字雙文字版本,編輯者也還是不多,那是因為主界面仍然是平話字的,人們找不到「編輯」按鈕,側邊欄的文字也全部看不懂。你叫人家怎麼編輯?你這種平話字版本的做法是嚴重阻礙了許多熱心人的編輯!他們會說福州話,想編輯維基百科,卻不知不知編輯!因為平話字的界面搞的一頭霧水,無從下手。你不信可以去百度貼吧福州話吧看看,有多少人願意編輯閩東語維基百科,但是卻因為看不懂平話字而退縮! --Yejianfei (talk) 2013 nièng 7 nguŏk 5 hô̤ (B5) 13:09 (UTC)
- I'm glad to know that "有很多人願意用漢字來寫". If you are able to form a vital community, I will be your strong supporter. So go ahead. --GnuDoyng (talk) 2013 nièng 8 nguŏk 10 hô̤ (B6) 12:51 (UTC)
- Wikipedia is free to all so please do ask them to come here and contribute in Chinese characters. I'd like to see their willingness not only in words, but in deeds also. And like I said, I'll be a supporter of Chinese characters only if I see a real vital community here. You know what a vital community means? It's not just two or three passionate folks like yourself. I wanna see for myself a real team here. Good for you! --GnuDoyng (talk) 2013 nièng 8 nguŏk 11 hô̤ (LB) 06:06 (UTC)
- 起動汝蜀件事計:既然閩東語維基百科已经是雙文字了(閩東語漢字共平話字),有無辦法共其它語言版本其語言鏈接也趁「Mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄」改成「Mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄/閩東語」? --Yejianfei (talk) 2013 nièng 8 nguŏk 11 hô̤ (LB) 07:41 (UTC)
- Yejianfei, the interwiki name modification can be requested at Translatewiki:Support by adding a new discussion thread (eg. [5] )--JackonLee54 (talk) 2013 nièng 8 nguŏk 11 hô̤ (LB) 10:27 (UTC).
- How to change the default font setting? The default font setting is from this web page, but how to change the font-family? The font-family is "Charis SIL","Arial Unicode MS","Lucida Sans Unicode", which is good for displaying Foochow Romanized, but is terrible for displaying Min Dong specialized Chinese characters, such as 𣍐 (displayed as 勿會) and 𡅏 (displayed as 口禮). They are located in Unicode CJK Ext-B block, and therefore we need "Sun-ExtB" font (which is in UniFonts 6.0) or "HanaMinB" font (which is in 花園明朝) in order to display it correctly. So how to change the default font settings? ---Yejianfei (talk) 2013 nièng 8 nguŏk 11 hô̤ (LB) 17:14 (UTC)
- 我覺得還應該把zh:Wikipedia:Unicode擴展漢字的部分內容按閩東方言翻譯並移植至閩東語維基百科,以方便用戶輸入閩東語漢字。另外,我最近發現閩東語維基百科已經通過 WOFF 技術將 Charis SIL 字體安裝在服務器上,不用在電腦上安裝字體就能使平話字正常顯示,因此建議撤銷網頁上面安裝 Charis SIL 字體的告示。--Great Brightstar (talk) 2013 nièng 8 nguŏk 25 hô̤ (LB) 10:39 (UTC)
- 這篇文章我翻譯過了,Wikipedia:Unicode擴展漢字 -- Yejianfei (talk) 2013 nièng 9 nguŏk 22 hô̤ (LB) 22:33 (UTC)
- @Great Brightstar: 我找了半天CSS代码,也沒搜索到哪裡有
字樣,請問你是如何支持WOFF的?--Yejianfei (對話) 2016 nièng 3 nguŏk 31 hô̤ (B4) 18:20 (UTC)- 當初我回復的時候 Wikimedia 官方開了 WOFF 功能,但是過幾個月又關了,所以現在看不到 WOFF 了。我查了一下發現他們當時有可能用的是 mw:Extension:WebFonts 這個插件,現在改成 mw:Extension:UniversalLanguageSelector 了。另外 Firefox 的查看元素、Chrome 的檢查(都是右擊滑鼠)可以查到
之類的屬性。--Great Brightstar (對話) 2016 nièng 4 nguŏk 20 hô̤ (B3) 06:27 (UTC)
- 當初我回復的時候 Wikimedia 官方開了 WOFF 功能,但是過幾個月又關了,所以現在看不到 WOFF 了。我查了一下發現他們當時有可能用的是 mw:Extension:WebFonts 這個插件,現在改成 mw:Extension:UniversalLanguageSelector 了。另外 Firefox 的查看元素、Chrome 的檢查(都是右擊滑鼠)可以查到
- @Great Brightstar: 我找了半天CSS代码,也沒搜索到哪裡有
- 這篇文章我翻譯過了,Wikipedia:Unicode擴展漢字 -- Yejianfei (talk) 2013 nièng 9 nguŏk 22 hô̤ (LB) 22:33 (UTC)
- Yejianfei, the interwiki name modification can be requested at Translatewiki:Support by adding a new discussion thread (eg. [5] )--JackonLee54 (talk) 2013 nièng 8 nguŏk 11 hô̤ (LB) 10:27 (UTC).
- 起動汝蜀件事計:既然閩東語維基百科已经是雙文字了(閩東語漢字共平話字),有無辦法共其它語言版本其語言鏈接也趁「Mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄」改成「Mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄/閩東語」? --Yejianfei (talk) 2013 nièng 8 nguŏk 11 hô̤ (LB) 07:41 (UTC)
An important message about renaming users
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Dear GnuDoyng, My aplogies for writing in English. Please translate or have this translated for you if it will help. I am cross-posting this message to many places to make sure everyone who is a Wikimedia Foundation project bureaucrat receives a copy. If you are a bureaucrat on more than one wiki, you will receive this message on each wiki where you are a bureaucrat.
As you may have seen, work to perform the Wikimedia cluster-wide single-user login finalisation (SUL finalisation) is taking place. This may potentially effect your work as a local bureaucrat, so please read this message carefully.
Why is this happening? As currently stated at the global rename policy, a global account is a name linked to a single user across all Wikimedia wikis, with local accounts unified into a global collection. Previously, the only way to rename a unified user was to individually rename every local account. This was an extremely difficult and time-consuming task, both for stewards and for the users who had to initiate discussions with local bureaucrats (who perform local renames to date) on every wiki with available bureaucrats. The process took a very long time, since it's difficult to coordinate crosswiki renames among the projects and bureaucrats involved in individual projects.
The SUL finalisation will be taking place in stages, and one of the first stages will be to turn off Special:RenameUser locally. This needs to be done as soon as possible, on advice and input from Stewards and engineers for the project, so that no more accounts that are unified globally are broken by a local rename to usurp the global account name. Once this is done, the process of global name unification can begin. The date that has been chosen to turn off local renaming and shift over to entirely global renaming is 15 September 2014, or three weeks time from now. In place of local renames is a new tool, hosted on Meta, that allows for global renames on all wikis where the name is not registered will be deployed.
Your help is greatly needed during this process and going forward in the future if, as a bureaucrat, renaming users is something that you do or have an interest in participating in. The Wikimedia Stewards have set up, and are in charge of, a new community usergroup on Meta in order to share knowledge and work together on renaming accounts globally, called Global renamers. Stewards are in the process of creating documentation to help global renamers to get used to and learn more about global accounts and tools and Meta in general as well as the application format. As transparency is a valuable thing in our movement, the Stewards would like to have at least a brief public application period. If you are an experienced renamer as a local bureaucrat, the process of becoming a part of this group could take as little as 24 hours to complete. You, as a bureaucrat, should be able to apply for the global renamer right on Meta by the requests for global permissions page on 1 September, a week from now.
In the meantime please update your local page where users request renames to reflect this move to global renaming, and if there is a rename request and the user has edited more than one wiki with the name, please send them to the request page for a global rename.
Stewards greatly appreciate the trust local communities have in you and want to make this transition as easy as possible so that the two groups can start working together to ensure everyone has a unique login identity across Wikimedia projects. Completing this project will allow for long-desired universal tools like a global watchlist, global notifications and many, many more features to make work easier.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the SUL finalisation, read over the Help:Unified login page on Meta and leave a note on the talk page there, or on the talk page for global renamers. You can also contact me on my talk page on meta if you would like. I'm working as a bridge between Wikimedia Foundation Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Stewards, and you to assure that SUL finalisation goes as smoothly as possible; this is a community-driven process and I encourage you to work with the Stewards for our communities.
Thank you for your time. -- Keegan (WMF) talk 2014 nièng 8 nguŏk 25 hô̤ (B1) 18:24 (UTC)
--This message was sent using MassMessage. Was there an error? Report it!
Please? --Liuxinyu970226 (對話) 2015 nièng 4 nguŏk 6 hô̤ (B1) 07:51 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Greetings! I hope we can make Bàng-uâ wikipedia better and better, just like Bân-lâm-gí wikipedia.--el caballero de los Leones (tō̤ nguāi păng-gōng) => Nguāi ái Hók-gióng 2015 nièng 12 nguŏk 9 hô̤ (B3) 14:27 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]GnuDoyng siĕng-sĕng, nguāi chăng-gă lāu guăng-lièu sōng-gṳ̄, hiêng-câi dáik-piéu ī-gĭng chiĕu-guó sĕk piéu lāu. Meta-wiki hŭ-uái gōng, buōng-dê guăng-lièu uăk-dông gì, diŏh iù buōng-dê guăng-lièu lì sêu-guòng. Gó-chṳ̄ kī dông nṳ̄ ké̤ṳk nguāi guăng-lièu gì guòng-lĭk lâ. Siâ-diâng.--el caballero de los Leones (tō̤ nguāi păng-gōng) => Nguāi ái Hók-gióng 2015 nièng 12 nguŏk 9 hô̤ (B3) 14:31 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Dear GnuDoyng, a request was posted on meta for a new admin for this projec, local discussion is at Wikipedia:Hèng-céng Ìng-uòng. As local bureaucrat, could you please have look? All the best, Taketa (對話) 2015 nièng 12 nguŏk 9 hô̤ (B3) 18:41 (UTC)
"Bō̤-ciéng" gâe̤ng "cáuk-gă" sê sié-nó̤h é-sé̤ṳ?
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Kī-dâe̤ng muóng lâ "bō̤-ciéng" gâe̤ng "cáuk-gă" dó̤-dā̤ sê sié-nó̤h é-sé̤ṳ? Nguāi diŏh Hók-ciŭ cī-māng òng tàu-dā̤ mò̤ tiăng nè̤ng sāi guó cī lâng ciáh sṳ̀? Tàu-hiĕk gó sê ng-tĕ̤ng sāi cī-māng piék gì sṳ̀, nâ mò̤ hŭ-nè̤ng dŭ káng mâ̤ huôi-é.-- 2016 nièng 8 nguŏk 6 hô̤ (B6) 07:51 (UTC)
- 保荐 = 推荐, 作佳 = 漂亮, both words can be found in 冯爱珍's Foochow dictionary. --GnuDoyng (對話) 2016 nièng 8 nguŏk 7 hô̤ (LB) 05:40 (UTC)
Gàu Séng-uòng
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Dṳ̀ kó̤ "Gàu Séng-uòng", «Să̤-iù-gé» diē-sié gì gì-tă săng ciáh nè̤ng găk Hók-ciŭ-uâ hô̤ sié-nó̤h miàng-cê?--el caballero de los Leones (tō̤ nguāi păng-gōng) => Nguāi ái Hók-gióng 2016 nièng 8 nguŏk 9 hô̤ (B2) 12:38 (UTC)
Purodha and his bot Purbo T
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Hello GnuDoyng and @唐吉訶德的侍從: As you are both bureaucrats here on this wiki, please take a look at m:Special:CentralAuth/Purodha. Purodhas account has been globally locked, because he passed away in August, see also the list for condolences at dewiki. He still has bot rights for both accounts here on this wiki, but he can't use them anymore, so perhaps they should be taken away from his accounts. Kind regards --Bjarlin (對話) 2016 nièng 9 nguŏk 3 hô̤ (B6) 01:35 (UTC)
- @Bjarlin: I'm sorry to hear that. I have removed his bot flag, I think this is enough.--el caballero de los Leones (tō̤ nguāi păng-gōng) => Nguāi ái Hók-gióng 2016 nièng 9 nguŏk 3 hô̤ (B6) 15:07 (UTC)
- @唐吉訶德的侍從: Yes, DerHexer has blocked his accounts globally because of that, so that's enough. He still has a bot flag for his main account 用戶:Purodha here (see [6]) which I don't understand. Is it normal to give bot flags to normal user accounts here? I thought that only bot accounts can get bot flags, not normal users. I even don't find another normal user in this wiki's local bot list, but only really bot accounts, so this doesn't seem to be standard here either. Kind regards --Bjarlin (對話) 2016 nièng 9 nguŏk 13 hô̤ (B2) 14:51 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Why did you blank out your userpage? --S205645 (對話) 2016 nièng 9 nguŏk 19 hô̤ (B1) 05:36 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Hello, could you please translate for me the phrase Automatic refresh (hans: 自动更新; hant: 自動更新) into 閩東語 / Mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄, 閩南語 / Bân-lâm-gú, 文言 and 客家語 / Hak-kâ-ngî? Thanks -XQV- (對話) 2016 nièng 10 nguŏk 31 hô̤ (B1) 08:24 (UTC)
Kuàng-báik Hióng-ciŏng?
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Cĭng-chiông "憲" ciā cê tĕ̤k "hièng". --el caballero de los Leones (tō̤ nguāi păng-gōng) => Nguāi ái Hók-gióng 2017 nièng 7 nguŏk 10 hô̤ (B1) 14:52 (UTC)
- "憲" is always pronounced hióng, as far as I know. --GnuDoyng (對話) 2017 nièng 7 nguŏk 11 hô̤ (B2) 03:57 (UTC)
- nguāi chă guó lău, ciáng-sê tĕ̤k "hióng", nṳ̄ gōng mò̤ dâng. Ciá huák-hiêng nguāi gōng hók-ciŭ-uâ iâ ô nék-giāng lâng-gā-siăng.--el caballero de los Leones (tō̤ nguāi păng-gōng) => Nguāi ái Hók-gióng 2017 nièng 7 nguŏk 11 hô̤ (B2) 14:15 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Siâ-siâ nṳ̄! Nguāi có̤ ê̤ṳng-hô-hiĕk gì sì-hâiu, giéng-gáe̤k „mì-gĭ“ cī ciáh tĕ̤k-ĭng Hók-ciŭ-nè̤ng kō̤-nèng tiăng mâ̤ huòi-é, cêu siōng áng Ĭng-ngṳ̄ tĕ̤k-ĭng huăng-ĭk. Ô Dài-uàng-nè̤ng ciŏng wiki huăng-ĭk siàng „圍紀“ (ùi-gī), nguāi ī-ùi „紀“ tĕ̤k gé, cêu dò̤ „圍“ gì tĕ̤k-ĭng kó̤ tĕ̤k „維“, sāi ùi-gĭ tĕ̤k „維基“, ô-nék-giāng chiông hóng-tĕ̤k (訓讀) lāu. Dáng-sê nguāi câ káng cê-diēng, huák-hiêng „紀“ tĕ̤k gī, cêu siōng siā „圍紀“, tĕ̤k ùi-gī, kō̤-nèng â̤ hăk-lī. Davidzdh (對話) 2017 nièng 7 nguŏk 20 hô̤ (B4) 09:38 (UTC)
Re: social media
[Gāi nguòng-mā]â̤-sāi! chiāng káng méng-cṳ̆. --Davidzdh (討論/Tō̤-lâung) 2017 nièng 8 nguŏk 1 hô̤ (B2) 13:52 (UTC)
汝好; I saw that you added the text of s:en:Dictionary of the Foochow Dialect and was wondering if you might be interested in this project to transcribe the rest of the original book. Suzukaze-c (對話) 2017 nièng 9 nguŏk 7 hô̤ (B4) 03:46 (UTC)
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Kī-dâe̤ng nṳ̄ káng nâ cī piĕng ùng-ciŏng. Duâi-ciéng, duâi-liông gó sê dâi-ciéng, dâi-liông? --Davidzdh (討論/Tō̤-lâung) 2017 nièng 9 nguŏk 22 hô̤ (B5) 10:02 (UTC)
File restoring request
[Gāi nguòng-mā]This file was uploaded by you without a copyright notice and therefore was deleted by an global admin. Maybe you can restore it. Please don't forget to append a copyright notice shown below. Since it was upload by yourself, you can use the {{own}} template.
|description=Hók-ciŭ Nguòng-siĕu-cáik gṳ̄-hèng gì Dĭng-huôi./福州元宵節舉行其燈會
Without this copyright notice, your file might be deleted again.
-- Yejianfei (對話) 2018 nièng 1 nguŏk 7 hô̤ (LB) 19:33 (UTC)
ESEAP Conference 2018
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Hello all,
Scholarship applications for ESEAP Conference 2018 is now open!
ESEAP Conference 2018 is a regional conference for Wikimedia communities around the ESEAP regions. ESEAP stands for East, Southeast Asia, and Pacific. Taking place in Bali, Indonesia on 5-6 May 2018, this is the first regional conference for the Wikimedia communities around the regions.
Full scholarships are subject to quotas, maximum two people per country and your country is eligible to apply, visit this page.
We also accept submissions of several formats, including:
- Workshop & Tutorial: these are presentations with a focus on practical work directed either to acquiring a specific skill or doing a specific task. Sessions are 55 minutes led by the presenters in a classroom space suitable for laptops and work.
- Posters: A2-size format to give news, share your community event/program, set out an idea, propose a concept, or explain a problem. The poster itself must be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons with a suitable license.
- Short Presentation/Sharing talks: 10-15 minutes presentation on certain topic.
Deadline for submissions and scholarship applications is on 15 March 2018. If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact me or send your e-mail to eseapwikimedia.or.id.
Best regards,
- 各位好,
- 2018年度ESEAP会议补助申请现已开放!
- 2018年度ESEAP会议是面向东亚、东南亚和太平洋区域维基媒体社群的地区性会议。本次会议将于2018年5月5日-6日在印度尼西亚巴厘岛举行,这是该区域维基媒体社群的首次区域会议。
- 全额补助受名额限制,每个国家地区最多两人,您所在国家地区符合申请条件,请参见此页面。
- 多种形式的资料提交也已开放,包括:
- 研讨会及教程:这些展示重在实用,或是传授某一特定技能,或是完成某项特定任务。时长55分钟,会在适于使用电脑和工作的教室空间进行。
- 海报:A2大小,分享新闻、社群活动/项目、发表某一想法、提出某一概念或解释某一问题。海报必须上传至维基共享资源并提供适当的授权。
- 简短展示/经验交流:10到15分钟针对特定议题的展示。
- 提交资料和补助申请的截止日期为2018年3月15日。如有任何疑问,请联系本人或电邮至eseapwikimedia.or.id。
- 祝好,
- --Beeyan (對話) 2018 nièng 3 nguŏk 8 hô̤ (B4) 06:16 (UTC)(粗略翻译:User:Kuailong)
Translation request
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Hello.
Can you translate and upload the article en:Azerbaijanis in Min Dong Wikipedia? It certainly does not need to be long and detailed.
Yours sincerely, Multituberculata (tō̤-lâung) 2021 nièng 11 nguŏk 2 hô̤ (B2) 04:35 (UTC)
How we will see unregistered users
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Hi!
You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.
When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.
Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.
If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.
We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.
Thank you. /Johan (WMF)
2022 nièng 1 nguŏk 4 hô̤ (B2) 18:10 (UTC)
Your advanced permissions on cdowiki
[Gāi nguòng-mā]Hello. A policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, interface administrator, etc.) was adopted by community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing activity on wikis with no inactivity policy.
You meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no logged actions for 2 years) on this wiki. Since this wiki, to the best of our knowledge, does not have its own rights review process, the global one applies.
If you want to keep your advanced permissions, you should inform the community of the wiki about the fact that the stewards have sent you this information about your inactivity. A community notice about this process has been also posted on the local Village Pump of this wiki. If the community has a discussion about it and then wants you to keep your rights, please contact the stewards at the m:Stewards' noticeboard, and link to the discussion of the local community, where they express their wish to continue to maintain the rights.
If you wish to resign your rights, please request removal of your rights on Meta.
If there is no response at all after one month, stewards will proceed to remove your administrator and/or bureaucrat rights. In ambiguous cases, stewards will evaluate the responses and will refer a decision back to the local community for their comment and review. If you have any questions, please contact the stewards.
Yours faithfully. ~~~~ Uncitoyen (tō̤-lâung) 2023 nièng 2 nguŏk 19 hô̤ (LB) 21:13 (UTC)
- Hello. If I resign, how will the next administrator be chosen? Will I be able to endorse or recommend someone else? GnuDoyng (tō̤-lâung) 2023 nièng 2 nguŏk 21 hô̤ (B2) 08:22 (UTC)
- Hello. If you want to resign, report in SRP on Meta-Wiki. If you want to keep your user rights, write in the community information message that you want to protect your rights and if the community does not oppose you much within 1 month, the stewards can protect your rights (I am non-steward, only I assist to stewards for inform the affected users by AAR this year). Finally as a community, you are always independent choosing new admins here apart of this process. Thanks. Uncitoyen (tō̤-lâung) 2023 nièng 2 nguŏk 21 hô̤ (B2) 15:19 (UTC)
- Ngù hiang hō̤, siâ-siâ nṳ̄ gâe̤ng nguāi gōng cī bieh sieu-sék. Nâ ô sṳ̆-iéu, nguāi iâ nguóng-é lì có̤ guāng-lī. --Davidzdh (攀講/Păng-gōng) 2023 nièng 2 nguŏk 24 hô̤ (B5) 12:07 (UTC)