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參考閩東語平話字其版本。/ Chăng-kō̤ Mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄ Bàng-uâ-cê gì bēng-buōng.


福州話教會羅馬字 福州話漢字 英文
Báe̤k-hŭng gâe̤ng Nĭk-tàu 《北風共日頭》 The North Wind and the Sun
Ô siŏh huòi, Báe̤k-hŭng gâe̤ng Nĭk-tàu diŏh hī dó̤i căng, káng diê-nè̤ng buōng-sê̤ṳ duâi. 有蜀回,北風共日頭著許塊爭,看底儂本事大。 Once upon a time, the North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was stronger.
Căng lì căng kó̤ mò̤ suŏ iàng. 爭來爭去無輸贏。 They disputed on and on without reaching a conclusion.
Ciā sèng-hâiu, duô lā̤ ô siŏh ciáh nè̤ng giàng lā̤, sĭng lā̤ sê̤ṳng duŏh siŏh iông gâu-gâu gì duâi-ĭ. 者前後,墿𡅏有蜀隻儂行𡅏,身𡅏頌著蜀件厚厚其大衣。 Just at that moment, there was a man walking along the road, wearing a very heavy coat.
Ĭ lâng ciáh gōng hō̤, diê-nè̤ng ô buōng-sê̤ṳ sĕng gáe̤ cī ciáh nè̤ng gâe̤ng duâi-ĭ táung lâi gó̤, cêu sáung diê-nè̤ng buōng-sê̤ṳ duâi. 伊兩隻講好,底儂有本事先告只隻儂共大衣褪唻去,就算底儂本事大。 The two agreed that who first make this man take his coat off should be considered stronger.
Dăng nĭ, Báe̤k-hŭng cêu sāi lĭk sī-miâng dék chuŏi, bók-guó ĭ muōng chuŏi dék lê-hâi, cī ciáh lā̤ giàng-duô gì nè̤ng cêu ciŏng hī iông duâi-ĭ muōng bău muōng gīng gó̤. 仱呢,北風就使力死命的吹,不過伊罔吹的利害,只隻𡅏行墿其儂就將許件大衣罔包罔緊去。 Then, the North Wind exerted all his strength to blow, but the harder he blew, the tighter that walking man wrapped his coat.
Gáu muōi-hâiu, Báe̤k-hŭng mò̤ bâing-huák, cêu cūng-kuāng láe̤k gó̤. 遘尾後,北風無辦法,就總款〇去。 At last, the North Wind was at his wits' end, so he gave up.
Guó nék-òng, Nĭk-tàu chók lì. 過仂暅,日頭出來。 After a while, the Sun came out.
Iĕk-pĕ̤-pĕ̤ sāi sāi lĭk siŏh puŏh, hī ciáh lā̤ giàng-duô gì nè̤ng cé̤ṳk-káik cêu ciŏng hī iông duâi-ĭ táung lŏ̤h lì. 熱〇〇使使力蜀曝,許隻𡅏行墿其儂〇刻就將大衣褪落來。 He shined out forcibly with a sweltering heat, and immediately that walking man took off his coat.
Cī-hâ Báe̤k-hŭng cêu nâ diông sìng-nêng, lâng gá nè̤ng diē-sié, gó sê Nĭk-tàu gì buōng-sê̤ṳ duâi. 只下北風就僅長承認,兩個儂裡勢,故是日頭其本事大。 And so the North Wind had no choice but to confess that the Sun was stronger of the two.