
Mī-lùng Hù

Chók-cê̤ṳ Wikipedia

Mī-lùng Hù[1] (Ĭng-ngṳ̄: Waters of Merom), sê Séng-gĭng ô gōng gáu gì siŏh biĕh , găk Gă-lé-lé Hāi (Ĭng-ngṳ̄: Sea of Galilee) ī báe̤k 10 Ĭng-lī, Iók-dáng Ò̤ (Ĭng-ngṳ̄: Jordan River) làu diē cī biĕh hù[2]. Iók-cṳ̆-ā Gé diē-sié gōng, Mī-lùng Hù cĭ Ciéng (---之戰) huák-sĕng diŏh cĕ̤-sē̤: găk Iók-cṳ̆-ā páh Gă-nàng Dê gì sèng-âu, Gă-nàng (迦南, Canaan) gáuk uòng (各王) lièng-hăk kī kó̤, nâ bók-guó gáu muōi-lāu chiéng mâ̤ guó, suŏ kó̤-lāu[3][4]. Muōng sáung ô guăng-diēng nêng-ùi Mī-lùng Hù cêu-sê Hù-lă (胡拉, Hula) Hù, nâ-sê gōng iâ ô mâ̤ siŏh iông gì káng-huák, giéng-gáe̤k Mī-lùng Hù gōng gì sê cē̤ biĕh kṳ̆-mĭk diē-sié gì siŏh biĕh siàng-cūi hĕ̤k-chiā siŏh dèu kă̤[5][6].

Chăng-kō̤ cṳ̆-lâiu

[Siŭ-gāi | Gāi nguòng-mā]
  1. 鏈接遘維基文庫 Hók Ĭng Sṳ̄ Gé Sṳ̆ Dĭ: Guóng Ék, Ⅰ Kuó—Ⅸ Kuó. 維基文庫. 1902. "11 Mī-lùng Ù." 
  2. Merom. Bible Hub. [6 October 2018]. 
  3. Merom. Bible Study Tools. [6 October 2018]. 
  4. W. Randall Garr. Reflexivity: The Cases of the Niphal and Hithpael. Journal of Near Eastern Studies. October 2021, 80 (2). "מי אל יחדו ויחנו ויבאו האלה המלכים כל ויוָעדו ישראל עם להלחם All these kings met up, came, and camped together at the waters of Merom to battle against Israel (Josh 11:5)."  已經忽略未知參數|access-date= (幫助)
  5. William Gover. The Waters of Merom. Palestine Exploration Quarterly. 1890, 22 (1): 50–54.  已經忽略未知參數|access-date= (幫助)
  6. E. A. Finn. Mosaic and Embroidery in the Old Testament; Sun- Birds; Nehemiah’s Wall; The Stone Mounds on the Rephaim Plains; The Waters of Merom; The Tsinnor; Irrigation and Water Supply in Palestine. Palestine Exploration Quarterly. 1890, 80 (3): 189–199.  已經忽略未知參數|access-date= (幫助)