

Chók-cê̤ṳ Wikipedia


有問題? 起動汝遘大樹下去問蜀問,或者敆我其討論頁提出來。伓通𣍐記:討論之後着簽名,其中蜀種辦法是拍4隻波浪號「 ~~~~ 」。
If you have any questions about the Mindong Wikipedia, please leave a message here. Thank you for visiting!

我是歡迎汝其維基儂: el caballero de los Leones (tō̤ nguāi păng-gōng) => Nguāi ái Hók-gióng 2015 nièng 1 nguŏk 15 hô̤ (B4) 07:21 (UTC)

Ciáng-káuk tŭk-ĭng sê Mì-gĭ, ng-sê Uì-gĭ. --GnuDoyng (對話) 2017 nièng 7 nguŏk 20 hô̤ (B4) 06:18 (UTC)

social media

[Gāi nguòng-mā]

Nṳ̄ hō̤, nṳ̄ bàng-siòng ô-mò̤ sāi WeChat hĕ̤k-chiā Facebook? Ô gì uâ gă nguāi (gnudoyng; George Ngu) có̤ hō̤-iū. Siâ-siâ. --GnuDoyng (對話) 2017 nièng 7 nguŏk 31 hô̤ (B1) 06:17 (UTC)

ESEAP Conference 2018

[Gāi nguòng-mā]
  • 研讨会及教程:这些展示重在实用,或是传授某一特定技能,或是完成某项特定任务。时长55分钟,会在适于使用电脑和工作的教室空间进行。
  • 海报:A2大小,分享新闻、社群活动/项目、发表某一想法、提出某一概念或解释某一问题。海报必须上传至维基共享资源并提供适当的授权。
  • 简短展示/经验交流:10到15分钟针对特定议题的展示。
--Beeyan (對話) 2018 nièng 3 nguŏk 8 hô̤ (B4) 06:15 (UTC)(粗略翻译:User:Kuailong)


[Gāi nguòng-mā]
  • 由於我不是閩東語使用地區的人,所以用普通話說,抱歉。
在您之前,所有日本人物(除去天皇以及華裔日本人以外)均使用日語羅馬字表示,因此為了格式更為統一,將您撰寫的兩篇平話字條目Dĕk-iā Hèng-cĭDŭng-săng Nâi-iŏng移動到Sawano HiroyukiTōyama Nao,您的再次移動使得閩東語維基百科的日本人物的標題出現了較為混亂的狀況,所以我在此留言,希望您能夠合理思考,并給出較為合理的方案,促進閩東語維基百科的發展壯大。
最後真誠感謝您的勞動!——Joe young yu (對話) 2018 nièng 8 nguŏk 7 hô̤ (B2) 14:17 (UTC)
@Joe young yu:這很奇怪,為什麼閩東語不可以讀用漢字寫的名字呢?西方人物名字不用閩東語翻譯,我也就不說什麼了。東亞文化圈的人物名字也不准照漢字讀,恐怕也太過了。如果僅僅因為「混亂」就反對移動的話,那麼把所有日語羅馬字條目都移動到閩東語讀音就完事了,這樣就「劃一」了。不過閣下所言極是,別的維基我尚無權置喙,西方的人物地名也太過寬泛,閩東語維基可能需要規範一下漢字文化圈人物、地名的羅馬字標題規範。謝謝您建議。我有閒時會去大樹下(相當於互助客棧)提案。--Davidzdh (攀講/Păng-gōng) 2018 nièng 8 nguŏk 7 hô̤ (B2) 15:34 (UTC)
    • 謝謝,您也可以參看大樹下中的這篇提案,以對外國人物、地名等的標題制定標準。——Joe young yu (對話) 2018 nièng 8 nguŏk 8 hô̤ (B3) 01:26 (UTC)
      • @Joe young yu:然。謝謝您提醒。正如討論串內GnuDoyng所言,對一個閩東語使用者來說,不按漢字讀音念日本人名字,反而要去按日語羅馬音念,是一件很奇怪的事。閩南、客家維基是什麼時候開始愛直接使用日語羅馬字,我未曾研究。但在閩東語維基,恐怕並非一開始就如此。請看這篇歷史悠久的哈利波特條目:https://cdo.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Harry_Potter&action=history ,一開始並不是照搬外來語的羅馬字。閩東語維基恐怕在一五年左右,纔開始了一場替換(不限於日語的)羅馬字的風潮,這背後有沒有社群意見背書,也不可考。至少用閩東語的漢字讀音表記外來事物,並非是從我纔開始的。如今正好可以藉著提案釐清這件事。--Davidzdh (攀講/Păng-gōng) 2018 nièng 8 nguŏk 8 hô̤ (B3) 06:41 (UTC)
        • 由于您从8月8日后一直没有提交提案,因此重新移动页面,最近才看到您的提案,抱歉。另,关于日本游戏、动画、漫画是否也使用此原则(如Pacman、Doraemon等等)?——Joe young yu (tō̤-lâung) 2018 nièng 9 nguŏk 22 hô̤ (B6) 05:47 (UTC)
          • @Joe young yu:感謝關注。這類條目可能還是需要具體問題具體分析,但是我想應該要有一個原則。首先閩東語的慣用說法肯定應該優先,比如Gameboy被叫做Gĕng-bŏ̤(漢字音同更褒)。其次宜從中譯,如果一個外國事物福州人沒有自己翻譯的話,福州話媒體一般會照讀或照譯通行的中譯。如《Re:從零開始的異世界生活》,在下就傾向稱為《Re:由環開始其異世界生活》而不是“Re: Zero kara Hajimaru Isekai Seikatsu”,至少要讓人讀得懂吧。如果有的東西實在是小眾,哪怕在中文維基都是照搬假名的,民間也實在沒有翻譯,那實在沒辦法了,照用羅馬字也不失為權宜的辦法。在下也不是排斥外語羅馬字,只是不希望所有的東西都被外語羅馬字所替代——而明明自己的語言可以讀出或翻譯。閩南、客家維基的外語羅馬字習氣暫時無暇置喙,但是至少在閩東維基,這個問題能得到明確,在下就滿足了。--Davidzdh (攀講/Păng-gōng) 2018 nièng 9 nguŏk 22 hô̤ (B6) 06:04 (UTC)
          • Doraemon,那時候電視臺都是放“小叮噹”來著?福州話多半會照讀吧。剛在網上發現了這段福州話配音,也是用“小叮噹”。--Davidzdh (攀講/Păng-gōng) 2018 nièng 9 nguŏk 22 hô̤ (B6) 06:22 (UTC)


[Gāi nguòng-mā]

汝好,已經授乞汝IP封禁例外其權限,登錄以後就會使編輯頁面。如果汝超過6個月日無任何編輯活動,權限會乞解除。如果茲萆權限已經無乇使,起動申請解除權限,或者是自行移除。詳見Wikipedia:IP封鎖例外。祝汝編輯愉快。--Yejianfei (tō̤-lâung) 2019 nièng 8 nguŏk 17 hô̤ (B6) 15:58 (UTC)

謝謝!--Davidzdh (攀講/Păng-gōng) 2019 nièng 8 nguŏk 17 hô̤ (B6) 16:09 (UTC)

We sent you an e-mail

[Gāi nguòng-mā]

Hello Davidzdh,

Really sorry for the inconvenience. This is a gentle note to request that you check your email. We sent you a message titled "The Community Insights survey is coming!". If you have questions, email surveys@wikimedia.org.

You can see my explanation here.

MediaWiki message delivery (tō̤-lâung) 2020 nièng 9 nguŏk 25 hô̤ (B5) 18:47 (UTC)

Wikipedia Asian Month 2020

[Gāi nguòng-mā]
Wikipedia Asian Month 2020
Wikipedia Asian Month 2020

Hi WAM organizers and participants!

Hope you are all doing well! Now is the time to sign up for Wikipedia Asian Month 2020, which will take place in this November.

For organizers:

Here are the basic guidance and regulations for organizers. Please remember to:

  1. use Fountain tool (you can find the usage guidance easily on meta page), or else you and your participants’ will not be able to receive the prize from WAM team.
  2. Add your language projects and organizer list to the meta page before October 29th, 2020.
  3. Inform your community members WAM 2020 is coming soon!!!
  4. If you want WAM team to share your event information on Facebook / twitter, or you want to share your WAM experience/ achievements on our blog, feel free to send an email to info@asianmonth.wiki or PM us via facebook.

If you want to hold a thematic event that is related to WAM, a.k.a. WAM sub-contest. The process is the same as the language one.

For participants:

Here are the event regulations and Q&A information. Just join us! Let’s edit articles and win the prizes!

Here are some updates from WAM team:

  1. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year we hope all the Edit-a-thons are online not physical ones.
  2. The international postal systems are not stable enough at the moment, WAM team have decided to send all the qualified participants/ organizers extra digital postcards/ certifications. (You will still get the paper ones!)
  3. Our team has created a meta page so that everyone tracking the progress and the delivery status.

If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to reach out the WAM team via emailing info@asianmonth.wiki or discuss on the meta talk page. If it’s urgent, please contact the leader directly (jamie@asianmonth.wiki).

Hope you all have fun in Wikipedia Asian Month 2020

Sincerely yours,

Wikipedia Asian Month International Team 2020.10

Dictionary of the Foochow Dialect 電子化工作

[Gāi nguòng-mā]


請原諒在下不識福州語,無法以此做為溝通媒介。只是想告訴您,英語維基詞典上的《Dictionary of the Foochow Dialect》正在進行電子化的工作,目前字典已經錄入了數篇字表作為範例,在此誠摯邀請您共同參與這項工作。Kám-siā lí, ló͘-la̍t!(感謝汝,勞力!)TongcyDai (tō̤-lâung) 2021 nièng 6 nguŏk 3 hô̤ (B4) 15:53 (UTC)

Wikipedia Asian Month 2021

[Gāi nguòng-mā]

Hi Wikipedia Asian Month organizers and participants! Hope you are all doing well! Now is the time to sign up for Wikipedia Asian Month 2021, which will take place in this November.

For organizers:

Here are the basic guidance and regulations for organizers. Please remember to:

  1. use Fountain tool (you can find the usage guidance easily on meta page), or else you and your participants' will not be able to receive the prize from Wikipedia Asian Month team.
  2. Add your language projects and organizer list to the meta page before October 29th, 2021.
  3. Inform your community members Wikipedia Asian Month 2021 is coming soon!!!
  4. If you want Wikipedia Asian Month team to share your event information on Facebook / Twitter, or you want to share your Wikipedia Asian Month experience / achievements on our blog, feel free to send an email to info@asianmonth.wiki or PM us via Facebook.

If you want to hold a thematic event that is related to Wikipedia Asian Month, a.k.a. Wikipedia Asian Month sub-contest. The process is the same as the language one.

For participants:

Here are the event regulations and Q&A information. Just join us! Let's edit articles and win the prizes!

Here are some updates from Wikipedia Asian Month team:

  1. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year we hope all the Edit-a-thons are online not physical ones.
  2. The international postal systems are not stable enough at the moment, Wikipedia Asian Month team have decided to send all the qualified participants/ organizers extra digital postcards/ certifications. (You will still get the paper ones!)
  3. Our team has created a meta page so that everyone tracking the progress and the delivery status.

If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to reach out the Wikipedia Asian Month team via emailing info@asianmonth.wiki or discuss on the meta talk page. If it's urgent, please contact the leader directly (jamie@asianmonth.wiki).

Hope you all have fun in Wikipedia Asian Month 2021

Sincerely yours,

Wikipedia Asian Month International Team, 2021.10

You are invited to join/orginize Wikipedia Asain Month 2022 !

[Gāi nguòng-mā]
Wikipedia Asian Month 2022
Wikipedia Asian Month 2022

Hi WAM organizers and participants!

Hope you are all doing well! Now is the time to sign up for Wikipedia Asian Month 2022, which will take place in this November.

For organizers:

Here are the basic guidance and regulations for organizers. Please remember to:

  1. use Wikipedia Asian Month 2022 Programs & Events Dashboard. , or else you and your participants’ will not be able to receive the prize from WAM team.
  2. Add your language projects and organizer list to the meta page 1 week before your campaign start date.
  3. Inform your community members WAM 2022 is coming!!!
  4. If you want WAM team to share your event information on Facebook / twitter, or you want to share your WAM experience/ achievements on our blog, feel free to send an email to info@asianmonth.wiki.

If you want to hold a thematic event that is related to WAM, a.k.a. WAM sub-contest. The process is the same as the language one.

For participants:

Here are the event regulations and Q&A information. Just join us! Let’s edit articles and win the prizes!

Here are some updates from WAM team:

  1. Based on the COVID-19 pandemic situation in different region, this year we still suggest all the Edit-a-thons are online, but you are more then welcome to organize local offline events.
  2. The international postal systems are not stable, WAM team have decided to send all the qualified participants/ organizers a digital Barnstars.

If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to reach out the WAM team via emailing info@asianmonth.wiki or discuss on the meta talk page. If it’s urgent, please contact the leader directly (reke@wikimedia.tw).

Hope you all have fun in Wikipedia Asian Month 2022

Sincerely yours,

Wikipedia Asian Month International Team 2022.10

You have been a medical translators within Wikipedia. We have recently relaunched our efforts and invite you to join the new process. Let me know if you have questions. Best Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 12:34, 2 August 2023 (UTC)